Shankabhishekam 108 Nos (Kartikeyan)


Shankhabishekam or Sangu Abishekam is being practiced for many centuries and plays an integral part in rituals. A conch shell is a sacred element in the Pooja (offering).  The conch represents the mind and the water it contains, the thoughts. The conch shell reflects the devotion in your worship of God, who is benevolent. The right threaded conch shell, known as Valam Puri Shankh or the Lakshmi Shankh (conch shell), is very sacred. You are blessed with great benefits.

  • You will be bestowed with spiritual blessings.
  • There will be immense peace and prosperity in your home.
  • All negativity will be removed from your home.
  • You will have clarity of thought and spiritual upliftment.

The abhishekam is done with 108 with conch (shank) to the deity with holy water.

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Shankhabishekam or Sangu Abishekam is being practiced for many centuries and plays an integral part in rituals. A conch shell is a sacred element in the Pooja (offering).  The conch represents the mind and the water it contains, the thoughts. The conch shell reflects the devotion in your worship of God, who is benevolent. The right threaded conch shell, known as Valam Puri Shankh or the Lakshmi Shankh (conch shell), is very sacred. You are blessed with great benefits.

  • You will be bestowed with spiritual blessings.
  • There will be immense peace and prosperity in your home.
  • All negativity will be removed from your home.
  • You will have clarity of thought and spiritual upliftment.

The abhishekam is done with 108 with conch (shank) to the deity with holy water.


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